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77 search results for COVID-19

In Galápagos, novel conservation approach finds ‘sweet spot’ between production, protection

— and is not without persistent challenges. But when COVID-19 broke out, effectively halting tourism in its tracks, be seen in how the archipelago is handling the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic rocked Ecuador, which, constituency across the landscape. And when the COVID-19 crisis hit, and planes and cargo ships, and improve ocean health. As a result, although COVID-19 has brought tourism to a virtual standstill

News spotlight: Experts warn, the climate crisis is a health crisis

monkeypox, COVID-19 and Ebola). And, he says, the cause is clear. “It’s a symptom of a planet in crisis, of these preventative measures is a fraction of the COVID-19 pandemic’s massive economic toll

Notes from the field: Sun-powered water, COVID and fishing, and more

for seafood has plummeted since COVID-19 lockdowns went into effect around the world — and small-scale, to protect against COVID-19, many small-scale fishers in communities on Santa Cruz island of the Galápagos

Airline industry clears forest-carbon credits for takeoff

— which was moving 4 billion passengers a year before the COVID-19 pandemic hit — can reach its stated, reading: What on Earth is ‘REDD+’? Expert: To prevent pandemics like COVID-19, ‘take care of nature

Report: Coffee companies pledge to tackle the bitter consequences of climate change

volatility in recent years, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is pushing trade prices below

Report: Protect nature now — or face ‘Pandemic Era’

: To prevent pandemics like COVID-19, 'take care of nature' For Indigenous peoples, pandemic poses unique

A ‘first aid kit’ for the world’s coral reefs?

them What does COVID-19 have to do with nature? These 5 articles explain

Why is biodiversity important?

— and the diseases they may carry. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic can likely be sourced to a wild, of ourselves. Read more: Poaching, deforestation reportedly on the rise since COVID-19 lockdowns, populations of humans. With COVID-19, we’ve seen the damage that diseases can do not only to human health

Indigenous leaders: To tackle climate change, ‘we must first address racial inequality’

For centuries, social injustices against Indigenous peoples have hindered their ability to conserve the nature they depend on. As countries shrink or eliminate areas set aside to protect nature in the name of economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous peoples are even more vulnerable, . Johnson Cerda (JC): The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated many Indigenous groups in the Amazon, to the symptoms of COVID-19 due to their lower immunity — the result of limited contact

Conservation International Europe

for... As countries begin to ease COVID-19 restrictions, green stimulus policies could help economies, plans Read More NGO Statement on COVID-19 Crisis European Green Deal must strengthen partner countries’ recovery from the COVID-19 crisis Read More

Global Conservation Rollbacks Tracker

that are occurring during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Last updated on March 11, 2021. The tracker includes, of the Regional Forestry Agreement that was reaffirmed during the COVID-19 crisis which exempts loggers from, the months of the greatest growth of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country" Learn More Land and water, Land and water protections "In the peak of the Covid-19 Pandemic, as the whole country, ” plan by the prime minister, Narendra Modi, to boost the economy post-Covid-19 and reduce costly imports

In new TED talk, doctor prescribes conservation

to New York City, where he led a COVID-19 contact tracing program with more than 3,000 staff during

Thomas Lovejoy, ‘godfather of biodiversity,’ dies at 80

protection. (These swaps took on added significance during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many debt

STATEMENT: COP15 a Pivotal Moment to Chart Course, Secure Funding for Biodiversity Conservation

. Barrera said: “The time is now. After years of delays due to Covid-19, the world is on its way

Notes from the field: Forest drones, gorilla germs and more

, including COVID-19. Even a common cold can be deadly for gorillas. To help minimize the risk, scientist at Conservation International. “But the emergence of COVID-19 serves as a reminder that any

Meet a scientist: the community connector

reportedly on the rise since COVID-19 lockdowns Study: COVID-19 jeopardizing world's protected areas

Notes from the field: Indigenous peoples protecting nature through tradition

’ habitat. Once restrictions are lifted following the COVID-19 pandemic, Conservation International, : To prevent pandemics like COVID-19, 'take care of nature' Notes from the field: Protecting forests

Tired of ‘writing obituaries for coral reefs,’ surfing scientists find new ways to save them

/sealegacy ) Further reading: Expert: To prevent pandemics like COVID-19, 'take care of nature' The oceans are on the brink. Here are 3 ways to save them What does COVID-19 have to do with nature? These 5

When COVID flattened tourism, carbon credits kept these African hills ‘green’

The pandemic took lives. In many places, it also took livelihoods. COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions cratered ecotourism in Africa in 2020, depriving local communities of life-sustaining revenues. As a result, poaching surged across the continent — driven by desperation for food and income, or by profit, and exacerbated by weakened enforcement efforts, experts have said. However, reportedly on the rise since COVID-19 lockdowns

Trove of new species discovered in hidden Bolivian valley

with nature, according to science Poaching, deforestation reportedly on the rise since COVID-19 lockdowns Study: COVID-19 jeopardizing world's protected areas

20 of 77 results