Capacity Building


© Green Growth Suriname

May 25 - June 3, 2021

There was a field trip to Alalapadu. The employees of Stichting Tuhka got trained in the different processes for the production of the roasted nuts. The monitoring team had a refreshment training and during this training, the importance of data collection, documentation, and monitoring were discussed and they also got basic GPS training.


© Shaniel Gena

June 21 – 26, 2021

There was a field to Tepu for the engagement of the project Ornamental Fisheries. There was a presentation with updated illustrations about the value chain with the community, separate meetings with men and women to get their feedback and to identify their training needs.


© Shaniel Gena

July 3 – 19, 2021

Field Trip Alalapadu for improvement of the Brazil Nut Enterprise and working on the Tuhka Roasted Spiced recipe. The outcomes of this trip were, the sustainable value chain and financial mechanisms were identified and implemented, and the expansion of the sustainable livelihood opportunities through conservation agreements.


© Shaniel Gena

July 30, 2021

There was a field trip to the indigenous village Tepu where engagement sessions were held for the new foundation to coordinate the ornamental fisheries project. Preparations were also made for the exchange trip of 4 members of Tepu to meet and discuss the ornamental fisheries project with the potential fish exporter in Paramaribo. Validation of the Socio-Economic study by the consultant Marieke Heemskerk was also held.


© Rakesh Joghi

August 14 – 28, 2021

Ther Tuhka facility workers participated in the Oil Production and Hygiene training. HEM Suriname N.V. purchased 600 packages of Tukha roasted nuts in August. They also purchased packages of the new variant of Tuhka Nuts, the Roasted Spiced nuts. The purchase order was the following: 70 packages, then 74 packages, and then 81 packages.


© Conservation International Suriname

August 20, 2021

A second launch for the Tuhka Roasted Nuts was scheduled for a closed circle, of less than 15 people in the garden of the bishop. Representatives of the Minister of Economische Zaken (Economics), Conservation International Suriname, The French Ambassy, Stg. Tuhka, HEM Suriname N.V, and the Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB) attended this event.


© Conservation International Suriname

August 23 - 26, 2021

A delegation of four persons representing the traditional leadership and fishermen from Tepu visited Paramaribo to meet a potential business partner. The meeting was successful and the base for a strong partnership was set. The partner even committed to supporting the village with a chicken project. He will first study the feasibility of producing chicken feed in Tepu. He has the expertise since he owns the largest poultry company in Suriname.


© Rudolf Jurel

September 1 - 10, 2021

The first (in a series of 4) village trips to Alalapadu and Tepu were organized. Three successful meetings were held in both villages with the goal to draft a code of conduct handbook for outsiders to learn to negotiate with the communities. In Tepu, 21 manual components have been identified.


© Krisna Gajapersad

September 27 - 28, 2021

Road Impact

The conservation and Indigenous organizations ACT-Suriname, CI-Suriname, VIDS, and OIS were invited and participated in the meetings about the impacts of roads and other activities by outsiders. During the meetings, the different speakers elaborated on the negative impacts of roads, such as outsiders taking away the women, hunters from outside, logging, and gold mining. They made clear that it is important for the communities to keep an honest collaboration with the organizations and that they need support from the organizations to strengthen themselves in negotiating with outsiders, so they cannot be tricked as before.


© Rakesh Joghi

November 15 - 29, 2021

The goal of this field trip to Alalapadu was to help with the production of Tuhka Roasted Nuts, engage with the monitoring team and St. Tuhka. During this field trip, visits were held with the monitoring team, the Tuhka factory workers, and different ‘krutu’s were held with the village authority where the purpose of the trip was explained.


© Rakesh Joghi

November 15 - 29, 2021

A ‘krutu’ with Melvin Uiterloo (Sales Assistant) Gwendolyn Smith (Consultant Sustainability Plan) and the Shedde family regarding the Grievance Mechanism.


© Rakesh Joghi

November 14 - 19, 2021 (Kwamalasamutu)

November 19 - 23, 2021 (Sipaliwini)

Village meetings were held in Kwamalasamutu and Sipaliwini, where there was so much progress, especially in Sipaliwini. A large group of women participated and the meeting resulted in the drafting of 28 rules that will be drafted next year in the village code of conduct handbook for how people from the village wish to be approached.